Saturday, February 27, 2010

Night 9,974– February 25, 2010

I spent part of today looking for a battery for my Canon A1 camera. As it turns out, this was hard to find. I went to the stores where previously I noticed large displays of batteries, Home Depot, CVS, Target and such. It turns out these large displays only have 3 or 4 styles of batteries. Hundreds of batteries, in different brands, packaged in different quantities and they where all the same batteries.

On my fifth store, Radio Shack, I found the battery, a 6V for $4.34. I take it to the register to pay and the clerk asks me for my zip code and address. I give it to him then he asks my last name, then my first name. I’m mindless, so I just give him the information. When he asks for my phone number I question him about all the information he is asking for a $4.00 battery. He says he needs it to validate the receipt. Of course this is bull, but I need this battery. I don’t want to spend any more of my life searching for a battery. I’m not sensitive or secretive about my personal information, I have nothing to hide and I’m not afraid of people knowing what I do, where I go or what I like. Spam and telemarketing don’t really bother me. But the purpose of the accumulation of this information, does this generate money? Why would someone want to track what I do? I would throw off the numbers; I’m not an average consumer. It’s such a waste. It’s as if we do things just for something to do.

Today’s photograph is No Parking. A Diana, toy camera photograph taken in the Fairmount section of Philadelphia

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