Saturday, February 6, 2010

Night 9,994 – February 5, 2010

The drive home from the city was slow today. Fridays are usually busy buy today was worse. Maybe because of the impending snowstorm or maybe it was the leftover Wing Bowl rabble. I jumped off I95 and took a back route down Chester Pike. While stopped at a traffic light I noticed a man on all fours at a bus stop shelter. A younger guy in his late twenties or early thirties. He was crawling on the ground trying unsuccessfully to stand up. He was spectacularly intoxicated and his face was strained with an expression of oblivious concentration. Mouth open, such a bad look. He made it to the side of the shelter and pulled himself up on his feet. Once he was standing he wobbled and his knees buckled but he seemed satisfied being successfully erect. As the light turned green and I pulled away, I noticed an open case of Bud Light bottles by the opposite side of the bus stop shelter. The man was shuffling toward the beer bent at the waist, reaching.

When I see things like this, I wonder why I still drink.

Today’s photo is one of my first Holga photographs of the Philadelphia Mummers Parade. It was morning, about 9:00AM and very cold, low thirties. This guy was barely dressed, drinking, drunk and dragging his son with him, initiating the young man to the true Mummers experience.

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